Saturday, 27 February 2016

Movie Animation Park Studios (MAPS), Ipoh, Malaysia

 Drone shot of MAPS 

 ( credit to Mr Jason & Go Ipoh )

THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER! #MAPSPerak will officially be open this 26th June 2017! Be among the first to experience Asia's 1st Animation Theme Park soon and get ready for your dream experience at #MAPSPerak! #themepark #grandopening

ENTRANCE FEE click here 

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

IPOH: Fans of local hero BoboiBoy, Smurfs and Dreamworks Animation Studio can now relive their dreams and enjoy their company right here in Malaysia.
More than 7,000 excited visitors thronged the much anticipated Movie Animation Park Studios’ (MAPS) soft opening at Bandar Meru Raya here yesterday.
They were among the first to experience the country and Asia’s first animation-centred theme park, costing RM520mil.
Adults converged at the Stunt Legends Arena where South-East Asia’s first thrilling car and bike live stunt shows were performed. And the children joined BoboiBoy and friends in an exciting 4D motion adventure on the Floating Island.
The “action-packed” 15-minute show left many, including forklift driver Wun Chee Seng, in awe.
“It was my first experience in a 4D theatre. I must say it was pretty intense,” said the 40-year-old, who was with his wife and two children.
“We were sprayed by water and felt jolts of lightning.”
At the Fantasy Forest Zone, one of six themed zones offering over 40 attractions within the 21ha theme park, K’ng Wen Fei, six, braved the Whirling Wizard, a child-friendly drop tower with her brothers Yu Hai, 10, and Yu Shien, nine.

“I wasn’t scared at all. I can’t wait to grow up and ride on the Megamind Megadrop,” she said of the country’s tallest drop tower that descends 52m within three seconds at the Dream Zone.
Teacher Norfazilatun Mohd Zin, 45, who came with her husband Mohd Faris Othman, 44, and daughter Farahusna, 14, said: “It’s really impressive, much more than we expected.
“We’re spending a really special Hari Raya together this year.”
Animation Theme Park Sdn Bhd director Ramelle Ramli said they received “very positive feedback” from visitors.
“We are very satisfied with the overall operations, including aspects of safety and security.
“Some minor hiccups will be addressed promptly so that the people can enjoy themselves thoroughly in the park,” he said.
Ramelle said plans were in the pipeline for more new attractions, including a roller coaster ride, while The Dream Zone and a few more rides were under “technical rehearsals”.
He expressed confidence that MAPS would receive about one million visitors a year. “May be, even 1.2 million,” he said.
“We’ve been actively promoting MAPS on roadshows in India, Nepal, China, Indonesia and Singapore.
“In addition, we are also working closely with local and foreign tour agents, Tourism Malaysia and Tourism Perak to promote MAPS,” he said.
In conjunction with the soft opening, those who purchase Day Passes at RM131 (adults) and RM104 (children and senior citizens) via until Friday will receive complimentary entry tickets for a second visit.

    Asalnya dijadual dibuka pertengahan 2016 tetapi tertunda. Dijangka dibuka tahun ini               sempena Tahun Melawat Perak 2017

     Updated : 10 Jan 2017

written earlier in Feb 2016

Dalam perjalanan balik dari rumah pengantin tadi, singgah di Movie Animation Park Studios site, movie animation park yang pertama di Asia yang akan dibuka pada pertengahan tahun 2016. Animation park ini di kawasan Meru, Ipoh i.e bersebelahan lebuhraya PLUS ( laluan arah Jelapang -KL ) i.e berhampiran tol Jelapang.

Hari ini & esok sahaja ( 28 Feb 2016 ), MAPS menawarkan tiket masuk pada kadar diskaun. Season pass untuk orang Perak ialah RM180  (pengunjung negeri lain RM280) untuk pass setahun dengan 'unlimited entry'. Ini bermakna jika kita masuk MAPS setiap hari dalam setahun, cajnya hanya RM0.50 sahaja....hehehe. Tiket single entry ialah RM155 . Beli 3 tiket dapat satu tiket free.

starship restaurant  dalam pembinaan

Apabila siap, Ipoh mempunyai 2 taman tema iaitu MAPS dan Lost World di Tambun.

p/s : berminat nak beli 3 annual pass tiket untuk bawa adik beradik, sedara mara & kawan2 bila bertandang ke Ipoh tapi tak jadi sebab tiket in not tranferable.

Anda mungkin berminat mengikuti :

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Platinum Electric Train Services (ETS) Malaysia

Jam 3:30pm ini saya perlu hadir mesyuarat sejam  di Menara Bank Rakyat, tak berbaloi untuk drive kesana, seperti biasa saya naik ETS jam 12: 15 tengahari dari Ipoh.

ETS Platinum ini baru dilancar bulan ini, bezanya cuma perjalanan adalah non-stop ke KL Sentral dengan masa perjalanan 2 jam 10 min (biasanya 2 jam 30 minit ). Tambang Platinum adalah RM46, Gold:RM35, Silver:RM25 utk perjalanan Ipoh - KL. Coach baru agak lebih selesa dengan ruang kosong yang luas dan touch button door

Coach juga ada  surau ( mussola ) tapi hanya bagi coach yang dari Padang Besar - KL & KL - Padang Besar

Surau dibekalkan dengan kain telekong

Tempat berwudhuk

Kompas untuk arah Qiblat

Ruang bagasi yang luas

Touch button untuk buka

Selepas selesai meeting jam 4:30, saya pulang semula ke Ipoh dengan ETS jam 5:45ptg. Pada waktu menulis, ETS telah melepasi Kuala Kubu Bharu dan in sha Allah dijangka tiba  di Ipoh jam 8:05 malam dan masih sempat untuk solat maghrib. Sekarang perjalanan menjadi mudah, saya bertanya pemeriksa tiket & diberitahu terdapat beberapa regular travellers yang tinggal di Ipoh & bekerja di KL berulang alik setiap pagi, Isnin ke Jumaat. Cuma perlu sediakan duit shj !

Monday, 8 February 2016

Jom Ke New Zealand

AirAsia X akan terbang semula  New Zealand i.e Auckland ( North Island ) via Gold Coast bermula 22 Mac 2016 dengan tambang sehala serendah RM499 ( kalau boleh dapat le ). Sebelum ini AirAsia X telah terbang ke Christchuch ( South Island ) sejak April 2011 tetapi menamatkannya pada Mei 2013 setelah harga minyak melonjak naik sehingga 30%.

Berbagai cara boleh ke sana :

Tour Agencies

Untuk kesana, kita boleh guna khidmat ejen perlancungan tapi rata-ratanya harga dikenakan tinggi antara RM7k ke RM9k. 

Friday, 5 February 2016

Makanan Halal Food Vietnam

Terdapat beberapa restoren makanan halal di Ho Chin Minh @ Saigon antaranya ialah :

District 1

Dikenali sebagai Malaysian Street ( Nguyen An Ninh street ) kerana ramai pelancung Malaysia berkunjung disini

i.    VN HALAL
       14 Pham Hong Thai, P. Ben Thanh, District 1

       Walking distance sahaja dar Ben Than market
       Masakannya agak sedap cuma mahal sedikit.

      33 Nguyen An Nhinh street
     Berdekatan dengan Ben Thanh market.

      53 Thu Khoa Huan, District 1,

      194 Le Thanh Ton District 1
      Berhadapan Hotel Tulip Saigon

Dikawasan Sheraton Hotel ( 15 min kalau berjalan kaki dari Ben Thanh Market ), berhadapan Central Mosque ( Jamia Al Musimin Mosque ), terdapat beberapa restoren halal antaranya

      31 Dong Du Street , District 1

      58, Dong Du Street, District 1

Latest Update : Dapat info bahawa VN Halal telah tidak beroperasi lagi.

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